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jueves, 28 de julio de 2011

I am number four

The film is about aliens who fled their planet and are chased by another enemy species is based on the history of the number 4  who is constantly changing identity to avoid being discovered  he does not like to be changing.

He and his father moved to another city along with another false identity, but this time was different because the number four became involved with new people she met, fell in love with a girl, got a best friend to share his secret discovered that he had new powers, foughtthe enemy with the number 6 and lost his father.

To end the battle with their enemies decides to go back and let the girl but with the promise to return.

jueves, 14 de julio de 2011

landscape III‏

Is a perfect place to vacation and play sports or to give quiet kayak tours on the lake.

The weather is usually cold at night.

The place is a solitary but with abundant natural wealth, has enormous pine trees, a variety of birds are heardsinging.

The snowy mountains give the place an incredible view.

In the surroundings are cozy cabins to take some days off from the noise and pollution of the city.

lanscape II

This is a quiet place and very cold, here predominant a color white and light blues, its waters are cold and form big icebergs.
This place has very little vegetation and animals that live there are usually white to protect themselves from predators.

lanscape I

It is a paradise place, dominated by shades of green, has small waterfalls  with clear and clean water, you can hear the birds sing in the treetops, the wind feels cool and pleasant, is a quiet place to rest and relax.

lunes, 4 de julio de 2011

Lisbon´s answers

1. The city is Lisbon it is situated on the west coast of Portugal.

2.Lisbon has a rich history, colorful traditions and more modern attractions.

3.The buildings that make a Lisbon interesting are Castle of Saint George and a monastery named Jeronimos.

4.The visitor can go to shopping in Baixa, they can found souvenirs and elegant clothes.

5.Some sorts of entertaiments are Barrio Alto, some restaurants and night clubes.